Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who I Am

I am not perfect.
I am a child of God.
I get mad at my kids.
I don't always speak kindly to my husband.
While I have every good intention of teaching my children good, Godly principles, I fall short.
My kids do not wake up and recite scripture.
Lately it takes everything I have to get to church once a month.
I have abandonment/rejection issues.
I constantly battle Satan's lies about what I think others think about me.
I mourn friendships that no longer exist.
I want to be an amazing friend.
I get my feelings hurt easily.
I take hurtful words to heart.
I lose my temper frequently.
I can not tell a lie. (seriously I can't)
I sometimes take on a little too many projects at once.
I love pink.
I love to be girly.
I struggle with anxiety/panic attacks and have for over 10 years.
I sometimes walk in a room and have no idea what I am doing in there.
I wish I had embraced my senior year of high school more.
I have really big feet.
I LOVE shoes.
I like to drink wine.
I love time with my girlfriends.
Date nights make me happy.
I secretly want to drive a tank (oops not so secret anymore).
Quiet time with God is hard for me.
I can't stand fake people.
I love my boys (even when they drive me crazy).
I love my husband (even when he drives me crazy).
I sometimes say things I regret.
I love Jesus, and am so thankful for his sacrifice and forgiveness.

*UPDATE* I would like to challenge anyone who reads this to be "real" also. Post your Who Am I? I think we should get a movement started! Letting other women (and men) know that they are not alone, and that the only perfect person is Jesus!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Accepting Change

I am trying out my new App Blogger for my new IPhone. Yep, I finally took the plunge and joined the club! Maybe this will help me keep back up with my blogging! For those of you that know me, I don't do change well. And this Apple thing is a whole new world for me. LOL Oh well, here's to accepting change in the modern world.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Not About Me

A friend of mine's husband recently died suddenly during emergency heart surgery. She is my age, her 2 boys are the same age as Dalton and Carson. I hurt for her. I mean really hurt for her. I find myself weeping, sobbing, and having anxiety for what her and her boys are going through. And as much as my heart hurts for them, it is NOTHING even close to what they are feeling. I am writing this for a couple of reasons: 1. For you to please lift Jennifer Ogle, her boys Hudson and Cooper, and the rest of Jason's family in prayer. I know that right now she said she can feel the prayers and they are keeping her going. 2. To remember that we are here for a limited amount of time, to leave a legacy for Jesus.

While I didn't know Jason, it is so obvious that he truly left a legacy and definitely touched people. I pray that this will remain evident to his boys as they grow and they will turn to God their heavenly Father as their Dad did. I am going to post a link to her blog and to the memorial fund incase any of you would like to donate and or follow her experience. She is blogging as an outlet right now, and while her pain is obvious, her faith shows through in multitudes! Please come together prayer warriors!

Jennifers Blog:

Memorial Fund:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Women of Faith Dallas 2011

Ok ladies-it's almost here! One of my favorit times of the year...time for Women of Faith! For those of you that have never been, it is Amazing! It's almost too much for words. Every year, I am pretty sure that God hand picked the speakers just for me and my season of life. But then I find out from my friends that they felt almost the exact same way! I love it when God does that! ;)

Anyway, WOF this year is going to be Aug 26th and 27th at American Airlines Center. I would love to have you be a part of my group, we have super great seats this year! In the lower 100's area- Woo-Hoo! The cost for both full days including box lunch both days, is $89. Please contact me if you would like to attend. To be able to keep our super great seats, I will need to have payment turned in by June 10th.

You can click HERE to see this year's line-up.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Let me first state that this post is in no way written to gain sympathy or compliments. But to celebrate in the freedom I have gained in Christ!!!

I have never considered myself pretty, NEVER. This is probably a result of mean kids in my past constantly telling me how ugly I was, and I know that this happens alot (not just to me). However, I bought the lie! I allowed Satan to have bondage over me in so many ways, and this was one of them!

There are 2 times in my life that I remember feeling pretty. The first was when I was 10 years old, and my mom had registered me in a Mini Miss Pageant. The second was on my wedding day. The first time was crushed when I was told I didn't win because I was so ugly, and there was no way I could ever be picked for anything like that. My wedding day however, still remains one of those times! :) I believed Satan's whispers anytime I tried out for a modeling something or other and didn't get it (you are just too ugly-you will never get picked for anything like this). Or when guys wouldn't stay with me (nobody wants you-so and so is so pretty-and look at you). I have shared my testimony on here before, and God just keeps adding to it!

Recently, my friend Kim with All About Pictures took some pictures of me (some for fun, and some for business purposes). When I first saw the pictures, I was shocked! I told her that her editing was amazing, because I didn't look like that in my mirror! Later that week however, I felt God whispering to me..."You are beautiful, you do look like this, you are my daughter, and I created you." WOW! Later, I had posted some of the pics on FB, and I was completely overwhelmed at the amount of unexpected comments! And again, I heard God whispering..."This is you, you are beautiful, everyday." Again WOW!

Tears were flowing this time, as I truly felt another huge brick of bondage lifted off of my chest! I cannot believe that I bought the lie! I didn't even realize that I had believed it for so long, but I really did. Every time I looked in the mirror, I just saw me-plain, ordinary, not pretty by any means. And, while I am so very sad that I allowed Satan to hold this over me for so very long, I am so excited now that not only do I know the truth, but that I truly believe it! I am beautiful! Inside and out! I can look in a mirror and say "I am pretty"!

I felt compelled to post this for others that may feel or have felt the same as I did. God loves you! He created you in His image! And he wants you to know Him! How amazingly awesome is that???!!!! I am so grateful everyday for what Christ did for me on the cross, and also for God continuously reminding me that He is here for me, that He loves me, and will NEVER leave me! I have always loved Psalm 139, but now I cling to it, as I encourage you to do the same! :)

So, thank you to Kim, for being a tool from God to help me crush one more lie! And thank you to my friend Tabitha for sharing words with me during this time that could only come from Him! I am blessed with amazing friends! Below are a couple of the pics:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Venture!

As if I don't have enough to do, I have recently started another business adventure. VAULT DENIM. I am an independent consultant for Vault, and get to go around throwing Jeans Parties! What's a jeans party you ask...Well, it is very similar to alot of the other "party" business out there, but with Denim!

The best part, I bring all the jeans with me to your party, and everybody gets to have tons of fun trying them on, and you take home what you purchase right then! No waiting!

What girl doesn't love a great pair of jeans??? Would you love them even more if they were up to 50% off Retail Prices?? Of course you would!
Welcome to Vault Denim, a new way to cover your assets...

We offer Designer Denim at up to half the retail cost!
Prices range from $48 and up
Many different brands & styles to choose from…
Jeans, shorts, Capri’s, & skirts are available depending on the season.

All Authentic, No Knocks Offs, No Seconds!!

Visit a Jean Party Today!
Or… earn free jeans simply by hosting a party!

Become a distributor and earn commissions and overrides from others.

The cost to become a distributor,
are you sitting down?
A $99 enrollment fee
No monthly fee or purchase required, and…
Vault Denim supplies the Jeans!!

Inventories are constantly changing, and we carry a large variety of both boutique and premium brands.

*I am looking for new hostesses, so that I can get my name and new business venture out there...Please let me know if you want to earn free jeans!*

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Ok, so here I am a week after I promised a post! does the time get away from me??? So, Dalton turned 8 on March 19th. I know unbelievable right!? Well, anyway-he wanted a sleep-over in the worst way. I am sure you can imagine that I was super excited with the idea of a bunch of wild and crazy boys at my house ALL night long! But, as it turned out-it wasn't that bad.:)

We ended up with 6 boys total (including my 2). We did a birthday scavenger hunt in the neighborhood, dart balloon throw, pizza, cake, icecream, and movies! They had a great time, 3 of the boys were out at a reasonable hour, but the other 3...well let's just say that at 1:45am they were still up!!!

Later the next week we had a family celebration at my grandmother's house. PS That is an IBC they are holding! :)

Dalton, we are so proud of the young gentleman you are becoming! You have an amazing spirit with a great love for The Lord, your Dad and I are so blessed to raise you!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh My!!!!

I just noticed it has been over 2 months since I posted here! This is just to let you know that I will be posting later today! There-now I have to or I will be lying! :) Catch y'all later today!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who Doesn't Love A Giveaway?

My new blogger friend Christina is having a giveaway! Check it out, she has some super cute stuff! Click here to check out Christina's page!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

The whole Christmas season seems to really have been a blur to me, but I am finally getting the pictures up for all to see! Christmas Eve we went to service at Keystone Church, and after we went to Diamond Lock (a neighborhood here that has amazing Christmas lights). It was a lot of great fun, and the kids really enjoyed it. Oh who am I kidding...I had a blast! There was one house that the lights changed in beat to the music, and I felt like I was a kid in 3rd grade again-all kinds of giddy!

The Pajama Elf had visited the house while we were gone, and thank goodness because we were in need of some photograph-able pj's! After getting the kids in bed (and making sure they were asleep), Santa visited! And this time Santa really outdid "himself" since he purchased alot of toys at Black Friday, there was a great multitude that would not have been normally possible! :)

Christmas morning, we had a great time seeing the kids faces as they saw all their loot, and then we opened presents between the 4 of us. After that, Jason made chocolate chip pancakes (yummy), I think this may be a new tradition! hint hint
Check out the picture of Carson and the whip cream. I was teaching him how to spray it, but he couldn't get his finger to stop, and there was a ton of whip cream! He didn't mind though!

Most importantly, we remind our kids that it is not about the toys and the gifts, but the greatest gift of all *God's Son sent in human form* Happy Birthday Jesus!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!