Friday, October 5, 2012

Walgreens and Prescriptions

I know I haven't been very good about posting in a while, I think with all the social media, my blogging kinda fell to the wayside. But, I really felt I needed to inform people of this and well, why not blog about it? LOL

Did you know about Walgreens Prescription Savings Club? I have seen it advertised several times, but just figured that my insurance would save me more. Especially since we pay a pretty penny for it! Well, the other day I inquired about it and inquired about my medications specifically. My Dr has started writing 90 prescriptions (if I want), and my insurance will only let you get 30 days at a time-which means 3 copays! Well, on the Walgreens plan I can get all 90 days, and get this, $30 for 3 months for one prescription! On my insurance it's $15 for one month! Already saving, and I only have to worry about filling it once every 3 months! One of my other meds cost less for 90 days through the savings plan, then it did for 30 days on insurance! What????

And another bonus: They figure out which is better savings for you with each medication! Like with D's prescription, insurance is better, and they will run it that way. Wow! This really is a no brainer for me, saving money without having to crunch the numbers every time! Woo-Hoo!!! Yes, it's the little things in life that can add up to really big!

Ok, I know you're thinking "All right, but how much does this amazing program cost?" Well, I'm so glad you asked! Are you sitting down.....$20 for one person or $35 for the whole family per year! Uhm, yep you read that right, like less than 2 bucks a month!!! I am pretty sure other companies like CVS have these type of plans also, so I encourage you to check them out! Oh and by the way, I was not paid by Walgreens in anyway for this post. ;)

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