Dalton's school has a Incredible Edible Car Derby for the 2nd grade department. They are studying force and motion in science right now, so this fits right in! We had a really good time making his Super S'more as a family! He didn't win, but we now know that onion wheels are the way to go! :) It had some alignment problems-oops! D and his friend Tye
Carson Pre-School does a fall program every year. As always, it was very cute! He actually sang this year, Yay! I got a little emotional when I realized that this would be his last fall program in Pre-School (sniff-sniff). I think it is finally hitting me that my baby will soon be in kindergarten!!!!
Carson with his directors (on top) and with his teachers (on bottom)
And this is Carson trying not to have his picture taken! ha!
I just love this last set-he was so cute! They all were!
This past weekend we went camping with our friends The Price's. We went to Lake Whitney State Park. It was a little chilly (37 degrees), but we survived! The kids had a blast! We ate so many s'mores, that I may be turning into a marshmallow! There were some beautiful trails, we walked some, the boys hiked and rode their bikes. It was definitely a great weekend with good friends!
We decided to go camping with our friends the Reuman's (and yes we went camping with them around this same time last year). Dinosaur Valley State Park has a Haunted Hike every year, and we thought it would be really neat to take the kids and campout. We stayed in some nearby cabins since the tent sites at Dinosaur Valley were already full. We all had fun with the exception of a few "surprises" at the cabin! LOL! Downtown Glen Rose had a Safe Treat around the square that afternoon, so the kids all got to dress up and gets lots of candy!
It was a very interesting evening 2 families trying to sleep in a one room cabin, but all in all it was alot of fun! On Sunday, we went to Big Rocks Park which is exactly that, a park with some really big rocks! The kids had a blast "rock climbing"! I have to say, I have been to Glen Rose several times, and I didn't know that Big Rocks even existed-it was really neat!
Enjoy the pics-and be warned, I will be updating more tomorrow, so be prepared for picture overload!
We love Halloween over here! Pumpkin patches, farms, decorating, etc...we especially love carving some pumpkins! Carson picked out a pumpkin carving kit with a book of faces, and the boys have never been happier! They were able to carve their pumpkins all by themselves (almost)! Enjoy the pics below...they don't really do justice to the amount of fun and laughter that went into these, but hey-you can use your imagination!
I have 3 beautiful boys, and a wonderful husband! I have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I have been blessed by His grace, and am so excited to continue living for Him, and to raise my boys to do the same! I am dabbling in some custom crafts, and christian home decor. I am excited to share my life with others through my blogs!