Thursday, April 8, 2010

Face Lift

Finally! I have wanted to get rid of the big ugly bushes in front of our house for over a year now. Jason finally caved (I mean agreed)! So, he starts yanking them out. He is so creative, he just wrapped a chain around the base of the bushes, hooked it up to his truck and VOILA! My hero! Our Easter pic above is the only one I could find that showed a before picture.

So with the help of some Home Depot gift cards! (YAY) We were able to make a whole new front of our house. I am so excited! Although, moving my rose bush meant that it had to be hacked to bits because it was growing out on one side and not the other due to the bushes behind it! Poor thing! But now, it can regrow big all around!

What do you think of our face lift?


Jara said...

very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! Seriously... love, love, love it!

Kristin Cook said...

lookin' good!

Kim said...

Our house is in so need of a facelift. I often wonder if we could get on HGTV for curb appeal.....maybe I'll just let Don tie a rope around his truck too. He could use some "manly" activities around this house of estrogen!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! Much better!

Jenny said...
