Saturday, November 22, 2008

Warning Label

*UPDATE* Check out Super Stephanie's blog, cause she is amazing and posted pictures of Friday's Open House already! Yay!

P.S. Isn't little "P" super cute? Thanks Kristin!

So I haven't blogged in a while because I have been crazazy busy! (Tab's word) My friend Stephanie and I started a mini business venture (name to be determined, and more info on this to come). But, we have been crafting like crazy for a holiday open house at my salon, and I haven't slept much this week because of that. Hence the blogging spell! Also I have stopped taking my medicine. See Hallelujah!

This all began by accident, first I kept forgetting to call in my refill, then after I called it in-I kept forgetting to pick it up! So once it had been 7 days of no medication, I decided through prayer to try and stop all together. Please let me state, that this is highly NOT recommended! You should normally be weined off of anxiety medication! But, since it had been one week already, I decided- Why not?

Ok, so this week being that I have had way too much on my plate, was probably not the best week to try this, but-that's just the way it happened!

I am extremely exhausted from the late nights of crafting, and my normal long Thursday and Saturday work hours. My emotions are definitely getting the best of me. Have you ever felt like you knew that you needed to cry and let it all out? Well, I have felt that way for 3 days now. The only reason I haven't cried, is that I haven't had the time. I know that sounds silly, but I have had 5 minutes here, or 5 minutes there, but I know that when these tears come they are not going to stop on a 5 minutes timer!

So I am writing this post mainly to my friends, here is my Warning Label: If I seem to be extremely emotional, extremely sensitive, rash, maybe a little rude or argumentative, etc...I am chalking it up to the medication leaving my body. Please if you are my friend, and you are wondering your friend Amber is, I am hoping and praying that she comes back within the next 2 weeks.

That said, we are traveling to Iowa next week for Thanksgiving, which is a 10-12 hour drive both ways. Aaaaggghhhh! We have movies loaded up for the boys, along with a few travel games, but I am wondering about a non-medicated mommy in a tin can with 2 young boys is a very good idea?? Also pray for us while there, I always seem to get sick with severe sinus (and I do mean severe!) every time we go there.

Happy Turkey Day to you all! Oh, and check out my friend Suzie's blog post on Thankful Thursdays! She could not have written a better post for a better time!

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